葫芦影业's Musical Theatre Audition Requirements are in accordance with the 2024-25 GetAcceptd guidelines for the Common Prescreen. Musical Theatre pre-screen and live audition song and monologue requirements are the same.
Song Requirements
(This aligns with Option C in the common prescreen song requirements)
Choose one of the following options based on which one serves you best:
Option A: One 32-bar cut of a song written before 1970 (musical theatre, Golden Age, pop, hip-hop, folk, rock, rap, soul, country, punk, etc.). One 32-bar cut of a song written after 1970 (musical theatre, Golden Age, pop, hip-hop, folk, rock, rap, soul, country, punk, etc.). This song should contrast the style of the first selection.
Option B: One 32-bar cut of a musical theatre song from any time period. One 32-bar cut of a song of your choice from any time period and in any style that best suits you (musical theatre, Golden Age, pop, hip-hop, folk, rock, rap, soul, country, punk, etc.). This song should contrast the style of the first selection.
A 32-bar cut is industry standard language for about 60 seconds of a song. For live auditions on campus, students should be prepared with clearly marked sheet music in a 3-ring binder. Please avoid high glare page protectors or single sided music, and bring sheet music in the correct intended key. For live auditions at Unified auditions, students should be prepared with their sheet music as well as a speaker and their recorded accompaniment.
Monologue Requirements
(This aligns with option A in the common prescreen monologue requirements)
One monologue from a published (or written by a professional writer) play. A professional writer is someone whose plays have been produced, but may not have been professionally published.
Dance Requirements
(This aligns with option B in the common prescreen dance requirements)
Show us your best version of dancing or moving.
Ballet Requirements
(This aligns with option B in the common prescreen ballet requirements)
Ballet is optional.