Course Description Ìý 2024-25
ABUS 1901-Business & Golf Ìý $100
ABUS 4452-International Business & Culture (includes international travel) Ìý $2,900
ART 1101-Drawing 1 Ìý $45Ìý
ART 1111-Drawing 2 Ìý $45
ART2111-Life Drawing Ìý $45
ART 1501-3-D Design Ìý $45
ART 2201-Painting 1 Ìý $45Ìý
ART 2251-Watercolor Ìý $45Ìý
ART 2401-Ceramics 1 Ìý $45Ìý
ART 2801-Book Arts Ìý $45
ART 3101-Biological Illustrations Ìý $45Ìý
ART 3301-Screen Printing Ìý $45Ìý
ART 3311-Print and Paper 2 Ìý $45
ART 3401-Ceramics 2 Ìý $45Ìý
BIOL 1021-The Genetics of Human Diversity Ìý $125
BIOL 1031-Life & Earth Sciences Ìý $70
BIOL 1131-Principles & Concepts of Human Biology Ìý $40
BIOL 1211-Introductory Biology Ìý $100
BIOL 1301-Bio 1 – Cells, Molecules, & Evolution Ìý $75
BIOL 1401-Bio 2 – Biodiversity, Organismal Biology, & Ecology Ìý $60
BIOL 2021-Environmental Issues lab Ìý $50
BIOL 2021-Environmental Issues lab (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 2031-Evolution Ìý $30
BIOL 2031-Evolution (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 2101-Genetics Ìý $175
BIOL 2131-Natural History (1+6) Ìý $65
BIOL 2131-Natural History (1+6) (Nature Center fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 2181-Molecular Biology Lab Ìý $200
BIOL 2191-Forensic Biology 1 Ìý $220
BIOL 2291-Forensic Biology 2 Ìý $250
BIOL 2351-Forensic Application in A&H Ìý $80
BIOL 2461-Anatomy & Physiology 1: Lab Ìý $125
BIOL 2471 Anatomy & Physiology 2: Lab Ìý $80
BIOL 2511-Ecology Ìý $60
BIOL 2511-Ecology (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 2591-Crime Scene Investigation Ìý $250
BIOL 2601-Tropical Biodiversity ConversationÌý Ìý $5000
BIOL 2601-Tropical Biodiversity Conversation (deposit) Ìý $500
BIOL 2631-Biogeography Ìý $50
BIOL 2631-Biogeography (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 2671-Invertebrate & Plant Survey Ìý $60
BIOL 2671-Invertebrate & Plant Survey (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 2691-Forensic Computer Analysis Ìý $175
BIOL 2901-Special Topics in Biological Science Ìý $100
BIOL 3011 Developmental Anatomy Ìý $60
BIOL 3021-Human Anatomy Ìý $275
BIOL 3031-Histology Ìý $50
BIOL 3041-Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Ìý $75
BIOL 3191-Forensic Microscopy Ìý $275
BIOL 3201-Immunology Lab Ìý $100
BIOL 3241-Med Physiology 1 Ìý $85
BIOL 3251-Med Physiology 2 Ìý $85
BIOL 3291-Forensic Physical Methods Ìý $275
BIOL 3431-Histological Techniques Ìý $90
BIOL 3461-Clinical Microbiology Ìý $150
BIOL 3571-Forensic DNA Analysis Ìý $550
BIOL 3581-Interpretive Methodology Ìý $185
BIOL 3581-Interpretive MethodologyÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $225
BIOL 3591-Wetland Delineation PracticumÌýÌý Ìý $15
BIOL 3591-Wetland Delineation PracticumÌýÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $90
BIOL 3601-N American Mammals Ìý $35
BIOL 3601-N AmericanÌý MammalsÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 3611-EntomologyÌýÌý Ìý Ìý $35
BIOL 3611-EntomologyÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 3621-Parasitology Ìý $60
BIOL 3621-ParasitologyÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 3631-Ornithology Ìý $95
BIOL 3631-OrnithologyÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 3641-Herpetology Ìý $40
BIOL 3641-Herpetology (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $135
BIOL 3651-Forensic Entomology Ìý $140
BIOL 3671-Field Botany Ìý $50
BIOL 3671-Field Botany (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $450
BIOL 3681-Ichthyology Ìý $65
BIOL 3681-Ichthyology (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $450
BIOL 3691-Field Entomology Ìý $50
BIOL 3691-Field Entomology (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $450
BIOL 3701-Marine and Coastal Conservation Ìý $1,100
BIOL 3731-Field Skills for Biologists Ìý $50
BIOL 3731-Field Skills for Biologists (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $120
BIOL 3741-Freshwater Ecology Ìý $50
BIOL 3741-Freshwater Ecology (Nature Center Fee) Ìý $120
BIOL 3751-Mammalogy Ìý $65
BIOL 3751-MammalogyÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $120
BIOL 3781-Behavioral EcologyÌýÌý Ìý Ìý $1,100
BIOL 3821-Animal Behavior Ìý $10
BIOL 3841-Animal Behavior Ìý $20
BIOL 3881-Advanced Toxicology Ìý $150
BIOL 3911-Pathophysicology Ìý $50
BIOL 3921-Practical Toxicology Ìý $100
BIOL 4571-Advanced Forensic DNA Analysis Ìý $550
BIOL 4761-Internship in Biology Capstone Ìý $50
BIOL 4771-Internship in Environmental & Field Biology Capstone Ìý $50
BIOL 4781-Internship in Forensic Biology Capstone Ìý $50
BIOL 4791-Internship in Molecular Biology Capstone Ìý $50
BIOL 4861-Biology Capstone Seminar Ìý $60
BIOL 4871-Environmental & Field Biology Capstone Seminar Ìý $60
BIOL 4881-Forensic Biology Capstone Seminar Ìý $100
BIOL 4891-Molecular Biology Capstone Seminar Ìý $60
BIOL 4901-Special Topics in Biological Studies-Plant Taxonomy Ìý $250
BIOL 4901-Special Topics in Biological Studies-Plant TaxonomyÌý(Nature Center Fee) Ìý $270
BIOL 4961-I/S in Biology Ìý Varies
BIOL 4971-Independent Research in Biology Ìý $100
CAMS 4021-Global Communications Ìý $4,495
CAMS 4021-Global Communications (deposit) Ìý $500
CHEM 1251-Chemistry for the Health Sciences Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 1551-Chemistry for Engineering Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 1751-General Chemistry 1 Ìý $40
CHEM 1761-General Chemistry 2 Ìý $40
CHEM 1851-General Chemistry 1-Majors Ìý $40
CHEM 1861-General Chemistry 2-Majors Ìý $40
CHEM 2311-Analytical Chemistry 1 Ìý $40
CHEM 2361-Environmental Analysis Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 2551-Organic Chemistry Lab 1 Ìý $40
CHEM 2561-Organic Chemistry Lab 2 Ìý $40
CHEM 2651-Organic Chemistry Lab 1-Majors Ìý $40
CHEM 2671-Organic Chemistry Lab 2-Majors Ìý $40
CHEM 3151-Biochemistry Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 3261-Medicinal Chemistry Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 3601-Organic Synthesis Ìý $40
CHEM 3611-Spectroscopy Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 3751-Inorganic Chemistry 1 Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 3951-Physical Chemistry Lab 1 Ìý $40
CHEM 3961-Physical Chemistry Lab 2 Ìý $40
CHEM 4161-Advanced Biochemistry Lab Ìý $40
CHEM 4321-Analytical Chemistry 2 Ìý $40
EDUC 1151-Culture & Schooling Ìý $139
EDUC 3801-Classroom Innovations Ìý $800
EDUC 4001-Literacy Assessment Ìý $139
EDUC 4951-Student Teaching Ìý $300
ENGL 3241-TESOL Pedagogy: Methods and Assessments Ìý $2800
ENGL 3241-TESOL Pedagogy: Methods and Assessments (deposit) Ìý $600
ENGL 3901-Special Topics-Fantasy Writing & Worldbuilding in London & EdinburghÌýÌý ÌýÌýÌý Ìý Ìý $5,575Ìý
ENGL 3901-Special Topics-Fantasy Writing & Worldbuilding in London & Edinburgh (deposit)ÌýÌý ÌýÌý Ìý $500
ENGR 1211-Engineering in an International Context Ìý $5500
ENGR 1211-Engineering in an International Context (deposit) Ìý $500
ENGR 2621-Engineering Traditions and Culture: Various Locations Ìý $3750
ENGR 2621-Engineering Traditions and Culture: Various LocationsÌý (deposit) Ìý $1250
ENGR 3621-Sustainable ENGR Puerto RicoÌýÌý ÌýÌýÌý ÌýÌýÌý Ìý TBD
ENGR 3621-Sustainable ENGR Puerto Rico (deposit)ÌýÌý Ìý $1,000Ìý
ENGR 3631-London & Paris: Urban Plans & DevÌý Ìý TBD
ENGR 3631-London & Paris: Urban Plans & Dev (deposit)ÌýÌý Ìý $500
EXPH 1101-Medical Emergency Management Ìý $20
EXPH 3551-Orthopedic Taping, Casting & Bracing Ìý $75
GEOG 2481-Intro to GIS Ìý $10
GEOG 2881-Geography Faculty-Led Travel Abroad Ìý $2,400
GEOG 2881-Geography Faculty-Led Travel Abroad (deposit) Ìý $500
GEOL 2811-Geology Lab Ìý $95
GEOL 2811-Geology Lab (Nature Center fee) Ìý $135
HIST 0041-Teacher Licensure Orientation Ìý $135
HIST 2671-World War Memory in Normandy & the Western Front Ìý $3,720
HIST 2671-World War Memory in Normandy and the Western FrontÌý(deposit) Ìý $500
HISTÌý3021-Nature Center Seminar in HistoryÌý Ìý $135
LAW 1399-Negotiation Workshop Ìý $50
LAW 1432-Special Topics - Forensic Evidence Ìý $300
LAW 1432-Special Topics - ST. Adv Comp Advocacy (Skills)ÌýÌý Ìý Ìý $390Ìý
LAW 1432-Special Topics - ST. Adv Comp Advocacy (Skills) (Iceland Housing) Ìý $1,925Ìý
LAW 1432-Special Topics - ST. Adv Comp Advocacy (Skills) (trip fee)Ìý Ìý $675
LAW 1432-Special Topics - ST. Adv Comp Advocacy (Skills) (deposit)ÌýÌý ÌýÌýÌý Ìý Ìý $200
LAW 1481-Prac Analysis, Strat, & Skill 1 (Section 91 only)Ìý Ìý $175
LAW 1482-Prac Analysis, Strat, & Skill 2 (Section 91 only) Ìý $175
LAW 1482-Prac Analysis, Strat, & Skill 2 (Section 91 only) Ìý $700
LAW 1482-Practical Analysis Strategies & Skills Ìý $700
LAW 1801-The Rule of Law & English History 1 Ìý $1,650
MGMT 4775-Executive Classroom Ìý $850
MLS 4601-Foundations of Medical Laboratory Science Ìý $100
MLS 4611-Professional Practice & Development Ìý $240
MLS 4621-Biological Fluids Ìý $100
MLS 4641-Hemotology & Hemostasis Ìý $100
MLS 4651-Blood Banking & Transfusion Science Ìý $100
MLS 4661-Medical Chemistry Ìý $100
MLS 4691-Medical Hematology Practicum Ìý $350
MLS 4701-Blood Bank Practicum Ìý $100
MLS 4711-Medical Chemistry Practicum Ìý $100
MLS 4721-Medical Microbiology Practicum Ìý $100
MRKT 3541-GeoAnalytics Ìý $10
MRKT 4901-ST: Linking Theory and Practice in Marketing Ìý $2000
MUSC 4601-Senior Capstone Research Project Ìý $450
MUSE 1051-Marching Band Ìý $160
MUSL 0011A-Applied Lessons for Non-Majors (Voice Lessons Only) Ìý $450
MUSL 0011B-U Applied Lessons for Non-Majors Ìý $450
MUSL 0021A-Supplemental Lessons for Music Majors (Voice Lessons Only) Ìý $150
MUSL 1111A-Applied Lessons Musical Theatre Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 1121A-Applied Lessons Musical Theatre Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 1211A-Applied Lessons for Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 1221A-Applied Lessons for Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 2111A-Applied Lessons Musical Theatre Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 2121A-Applied Lessons Musical Theatre Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 2211A-Applied Lessons for Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 2221A-Applied Lessons for Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 3111A-Applied Lessons Musical Theatre Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 3121A-Applied Lessons Musical Theatre Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 3211A-Applied Lessons Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 3221A-Applied Lessons Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 3301-Half Recital Ìý $300
MUSL 3311-Junior Recital Ìý $450
MUSL 4111A-Applied Lessons for Musical Theatre Majors Ìý $150
MUSL 4121A-Applied Lessons for Musical Theatre Majors Ìý $150
MUSL 4211A-Applied Lessons Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 4221A-Applied Lessons Music Majors-Voice Ìý $150
MUSL 4311-Senior Capstone Recital Ìý $450
NEUR 3551-Behavioral Neuroscience w/Lab Ìý Ìý$40
NURS 1101-Professional Concepts (ATI NCLEX Resource Fee) Ìý $1,008.34Ìý
NURS 2101-Physical Assessment Ìý $130
NURS 2101-Physical Assessment Ìý $55
NURS 2301-Fundamentals (ATI NCLEX Resources Fee) Ìý $1,008.33Ìý
NURS 2301-Fundamentals of Nursing Ìý $180
NURS 3101-Medical Surgical Nursing 1 Ìý $130
NURS 3101-Medical Surgical Nursing 1 (Background Check Fee) Ìý $55
NURS 3311-Global Medical Mission Experience Ìý $600
NURS 3311-Global Medical Mission Experience (deposit) Ìý $500
NURS 3501-Nursing Care of the Developing Child and Family Ìý $180
NURS 3501-Nursing Care of the Developing Child and Family (ATI NCLEX Resources Fee) Ìý $1,008.33
NURS 4101-Community Health Nursing Ìý $25
NURS 4401-Medical Surgical Nursing 2 Ìý $130
NURS 4401-Medical Surgical Nursing 2 (background check) Ìý $55
NURS 4981-Transition to Professional Practice: Nursing Capstone Ìý $75
PHPR 2811-Global Healing Traditions Ìý $3,275
PHPR 2811-Global Healing Traditions (deposit)ÌýÌý Ìý Ìý $500
PHPR 4711-Diabetes Care & Pharmacist Ìý $125
PHPR 4721-The Pharmacist & Patient-Centered Diabetes Care Ìý $125
PHPR4731-Tobacco Treatment Specialist Train Ìý $125
PHPR 5631-Delivering Medication Therapy-MTM Certification Ìý $125
PLSC 4721-Washington Center Seminar (per credit) Ìý $125
PLSC 4731-Washington Center Internship (per credit) Ìý $125
PLSC 4751-Model UN Ìý $90
PLSC 4761-Mock Trial Ìý $60
PSYC 3151-Learning & Behavior w/Lab Ìý $35
PSYC 3301-Sensation & Perception w/Lab Ìý $30
PSYC 3401-Experimental Psychology w/Lab Ìý $15
PSYC 4961-Senior Capstone in Psychology 2 Ìý $30
SPAN 3221-Latin American Arts Ìý $2800
SPAN 3221-Latin American Arts (deposit) Ìý Ìý Ìý $600
TECH 1301-Material Science Ìý $25
TECH 1601-Electrical Systems Ìý $50
TECH 2501-Construction Materials & Methods Ìý $50
TECH 4621-Programming in Embedded Systems Ìý $135
WAMS 3301-Narrative Photography Ìý $40
